
Portable Mobile Radio

Portable Mobile Radio
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Product code:KU683/xxx

A small and compact portable mobile radio in a waterproof Peli case(only 5.0Kg in total) with a 25W tranceiver and backup battery.

The portable mobile radio is ideal for extended range to other mobile/handportable two-way radios.

Incl. tranceiver, back-up battery(Li-Ion) and tonesystem(CTCSS)


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In the waterproof mobile Peli case is a mobile radio for VHF or UHF frequency bands.

This radio can be used for communication, on construction sites, emergency areas, in warehouses/malls, hotels, hospitals, airports, tunnels etc.

If the distance is large or the coverage is poor, and communication crucial, it would be the ideal solution to use a powerfull portable mobile radio.

Adjustable transmitter output power high / low 5 / 25W. Operating temperatures from -20 °C to 55 °C. Portable mobile radio for connection to a 10-55 V. DC. Supply voltage.

Battery Li-Ion 12,6V / 10 Ah
Dimensions 34 x 30 x 15 Cm
Antenna impedance 50 Ohm
Channel Spacing 12,5 / 20 / 25 KHz
Frequency error ± 2 ppm (option +/- 0.1 ppm)
Mode of operation Simplex/Semi-Duplex
Number of channels 128
Output power Adjustable high/low in two steps 5 - 25W
Power Supply Charging input 10-55 VDC
RF-bandwidth 68-88 MHz / 135-174 MHz / 400-470 MHz
Stand-by 0,2 Amps at 13,2 VDC
Temperature range -25° to + 55°C
Weight 5.0 Kg
More info See Download/Datasheet
